Training and Process Development Consultant | Job Position



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Our Firm

We are a full-service consulting firm licensed in SF. We are focused on providing tailored solutions to your business needs. Our goal is to form a stable professional relationship.
Complex situation, changing demands and a dynamic market environment make today’s business even more challenging.


What we are expecting from you:

Strong ability to motivate, challenge and push team members to do better than they are. Making complex situations simple and understandable for a non-technical audience.


Technical Qualifications:

Operating Systems: Windows 7, 10, Server, Android, Apple iOS, MAC OS
Working knowledge of SQL and Windows scripting desired
Software: MS Office 2016. In-depth knowledge of Access and Excel
Solid understanding of Active Directory


Other Requirements:
Comfortable with Agile, Scrum methodologies
Ability to motivate, challenge and push team members to do better than they are.
Making complex situations simple and understandable for a non-technical audience.
Possess a long and strong academic and continuing professional development record.

As Seen On:
San DiegoSan Francisco
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